Dee Stuff 4 Pets near Redding, CA, logo
PO Box 5784, Shasta Lake, CA 96089
Tel: (530) 339-8892

Vendors Form


Vendor Form

Please feel free to contact us with any question!

* (required)

* Vendors Name:
Name of person that makes    purchasing decisions
* Business:
Name of Business
* Address:
Mailing address for your Business
* City:
City the Business located in
* State:
State the Business located in
* Zip:
Zip the Business located in
* Phone:
Phone Number of Business
* Email Address:
Email address of Business
* Resale Number:
Resale Number as on the California Resale Certificate
Any questions or remarks?

To avoid spam, we ask you here to select the current president of the United States. *




Vendors Form Stuff Pet Supply

Contact info:

Tel: (530) 339-8892